Are you ready to step out in faith?
We believe everyone has a next step in growing in their relationship with Jesus. We want to give you the tools you need to take your next steps on your journey to Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Make a Difference.
Whether that's publicly declaring your faith in Jesus by getting baptized or leading your first small group, each step is key to growing closer to Jesus and living out the purpose He has for your life.

Water Baptism
Have you recently accepted Jesus as your Savior? Baptism is an important step of obedience that shows others we have personally trusted Jesus for our salvation.
Growth Track
Growth Track is designed to teach you about our church beliefs, help you discover the gifts God gave you, and show you how to use those gifts to live out your purpose.
Dream Team
Want to use your God-given gifts to make a difference? The Dream Team is designed to help you find a place to live out your purpose inside and outside the church walls.
What is Baptism?
Baptism is an important step of obedience that shows others we have personally trusted Jesus for our salvation. Jesus was baptized when He was on the earth, and we do this to follow His example. When Christians are baptized, they are submerged under water to identify with the death and burial of Jesus and raised out of the water to identify with His resurrection.
Got You Covered
Our team has prepared everything you need
Invite Loved Ones
Bring your friends and family to celebrate together
Attend a Service
Water baptism happens the first Sunday of each month
Next Baptism Service
Baptism Facts:
Complete the Growth Track
The Growth Track is our three-part, monthly experience that's designed to help you grow in your relationship with God, learn about your God-given gifts, and become a member of Highlands.
Locations & Registration
Growth Track will take place at every campus on the first, second, and third Sunday of every month at 6 pm. Once you select your location, let us know you're coming by registering. Registration isn't required but it will help our team best serve you.
What to Expect
We're so excited you are wanting to take your next step and dive deeper into God's purpose for you! Here are a few helpful things to know as you plan to attend the Growth Track.
Our team is ready to take care of your children at every step.
Come Hungry
Dinner will be available each week for you and your family.
What to Bring
Just yourself! We will provide a Growth Track book for you to follow along.
Join a Team
Learn about the different Dream Teams we offer before joining at Step Three.
What is the Dream Team?
The Dream Team is designed to help you use your gifts and passions to make a difference here at Highlands and in your community. We offer many different teams to make it easy for you to serve. From greeting visitors on Sunday, to leading a Small Group. Each team makes an eternal impact.
Are you ready to take your next step and join the Dream Team? Join us for Growth Track at your local campus.
Explore the Teams
At its core, a Small Group is less about what you do and more about who you do it with. We all need each other and that's why we have Small Groups. Whether you're new to groups, leading for the first time, or a seasoned leader, there's a place for you!
Learn More About Groups
We believe God wants every person to experience abundant life here on earth, and He designed us to find freedom and healing in relationship with others. Discover how lives are changed in Small Groups and how you can get involved.
Leading a Group
Life is better in a group.
You don't need to have it all together to lead a Small Group—you just have to be willing to let God use you. If you're a first-time leader, join us for Small Group training. We believe God uses Small Groups to change people's lives, and as a leader, you get to be a part of that.
Curriculum & Ideas:

The heart of God is for us to be in relationship with Him. One way we can draw closer to God is through His Word - the Bible. As we discover how to read, study, and trust the Bible, we will develop a deeper understanding of who God is and how His Word is directly tied to each of us through His Son, Jesus.