Next Steps

Next StepsNext Steps
Are you ready to step out in faith?

We believe everyone has a next step in growing in their relationship with Jesus. We want to give you the tools you need to take your next steps on your journey to Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Make a Difference.

Whether that's publicly declaring your faith in Jesus by getting baptized or leading your first small group, each step is key to growing closer to Jesus and living out the purpose He has for your life.

John 10:10
Water Baptism

Have you recently accepted Jesus as your Savior? Baptism is an important step of obedience that shows others we have personally trusted Jesus for our salvation.

Growth Track

Growth Track is designed to teach you about our church beliefs, help you discover the gifts God gave you, and show you how to use those gifts to live out your purpose.

Dream Team

Want to use your God-given gifts to make a difference? The Dream Team is designed to help you find a place to live out your purpose inside and outside the church walls.

Small Groups

Don't do life alone! We all need each other and that's why we have Small Groups. Small Groups are designed to connect with people and grow closer to God.

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Download the Highlands App

Download the Highlands App to learn more about your Next Steps, stay connected with your campus, and receive personalized messages just for you!

What is Baptism?

Baptism is an important step of obedience that shows others we have personally trusted Jesus for our salvation. Jesus was baptized when He was on the earth, and we do this to follow His example. When Christians are baptized, they are submerged under water to identify with the death and burial of Jesus and raised out of the water to identify with His resurrection.

Register Today

We believe that water baptism is a public declaration of three important things: you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you are beginning a changed life in Christ, and you are part of a new family.

Romans 6:4
I have Decided
Got You Covered

Our team has prepared everything you need

Invite Loved Ones

Bring your friends and family to celebrate together

Attend a Service

Water baptism happens the first Sunday of each month

Next Baptism Service

Baptism Facts:

Those who are baptized are following Jesus' example and obeying His command.

  • “As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, ‘This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.’” —Matthew 3:16–17
  • “Then Jesus came to them and said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.’” —Matthew 28:18–20

Water baptism is a public declaration of three very important things:

  • You are a follower of Jesus Christ.
    “Those who accepted his message were baptized.” —Acts 2:41a
  • You are beginning a changed life in Christ.
    “We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” —Romans 6:4
  • You are part of a new family.
    “So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” —Galatians 3:26–27

Your baptism should have signified you becoming a follower of Jesus, beginning a changed life, and uniting with a new family. If your baptism did not reflect this change of life, then you should be baptized again.

We will baptize anyone over age 7 who understands what baptism symbolizes and wants to make that personal public declaration. We encourage any parents to partner with our Highlands Kids and Highlands Students ministries to guide your children through these decisions of faith.

For more information to help guide your child through this important decision, check out our Children's Baptism Guide.

Throughout the New Testament, the Bible teaches that baptism is a public expression of worship symbolizing the new life we have when we follow Jesus. In the Bible we see that Jesus' parents dedicated him to the Lord (Luke 2:22–40), and he was later baptized as an adult (Matthew 3:16–17).

We understand that some churches practice “baptism of confirmation” for children. This ceremony is intended to be a commitment between the parents and God on the behalf of the child. The parents promise to raise their child in the faith until the child is old enough to make his or her own personal confession of Christ. This custom began about 300 years after the Bible was completed and is different from the biblical examples of new believers being baptized to publicly profess their faith in Jesus.

At Highlands we provide opportunities for child dedication and believer's baptism. To schedule a Parent/Child Dedication, please complete the Parent/Child Dedication Registration Form.

Have Questions?

Ready to take your next step in water baptism but have a question? Feel free to reach out. We'd would love to hear from you.

Three Half Circles
Complete the Growth Track

The Growth Track is our three-part, monthly experience that's designed to help you grow in your relationship with God, learn about your God-given gifts, and become a member of Highlands.

Step One:
Become a Member

Connect with Highlands and discover the ins and outs of the church, learn details about beliefs, leadership and church government, how we handle money, and how we intentionally organize our church. You will also have the opportunity to become a Highlands member.

See you on April 6

Step Two:
Discover Your Design

Dive into the details of your personality, discover your gifts, and begin the journey of discovering your purpose in life and how you can make a difference in the lives of others. Step Two takes place the second Sunday of every month.

See you on April 6

Step Three:
Join the Team

Find out what it means to make a difference with Highlands and connect to the opportunities available at Highlands to live out your purpose and serve others by using your God-given gifts.

See you on April 13

Locations & Registration

Growth Track will take place at every campus on the first, second, and third Sunday of every month at 6 pm. Once you select your location, let us know you're coming by registering. Registration isn't required but it will help our team best serve you.

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What to Expect

We're so excited you are wanting to take your next step and dive deeper into God's purpose for you! Here are a few helpful things to know as you plan to attend the Growth Track.

Smiling Face

Our team is ready to take care of your children at every step.

Come Hungry

Dinner will be available each week for you and your family.

What to Bring

Just yourself! We will provide a Growth Track book for you to follow along.

Join a Team

Learn about the different Dream Teams we offer before joining at Step Three.

Connect with Us

We want to make your Growth Track experience the best it can be. If you have any questions or want more information, please feel free to reach out. We'd would love to hear from you.

What is the Dream Team?

The Dream Team is designed to help you use your gifts and passions to make a difference here at Highlands and in your community. We offer many different teams to make it easy for you to serve. From greeting visitors on Sunday, to leading a Small Group. Each team makes an eternal impact.

Are you ready to take your next step and join the Dream Team? Join us for Growth Track at your local campus.

Romans 6:4

Explore the Teams

Host Teams

Host Teams are an essential part of church life and make Highlands feel like home to every person who walks through our doors. God uses Host Teams to set the stage to reach more people and change lives.

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A Team

Age: 18+, Background Check

The A-Team uses the gift of administration to collect and maintain data to ensure information is secure, complete, and accurate so that everyone can take their next steps.

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Baptism Team

Age: 14+ in High School

The Baptism Team hosts Water Baptism Experiences, ensuring the environment is excellent and meaningful for those making a public declaration of their faith in Jesus.

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Campus Host Team

Age: 14+ in High School

The Campus Host Team uses the gift of hospitality to greet, host, and engage guests in the Lobby and Auditorium.

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Campus Support/Facilities Team

Age: 14+ in High School

The Campus Support/Facilities Team helps to create an excellent, distraction-free environment by working behind-the-scenes to maintain and support excellence in every area of our church, including baptism, conferences, and special events.

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Dream Team Check-In Team

Age: 18+, Background Check

The Dream Team Check-In Team creates a welcoming environment for Dream Team members by providing an excellent check-in experience at services, conferences, and outreach events.

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Dream Team Host Team

Age: 14+ in High School

The Dream Team Host Team creates an engaging environment in Dream Team Central for Dream Team members to enjoy food and refreshments, build relationships, and receive words of encouragement during services, conferences, and special events.

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Events Team

Age: 14+ in High School

The Events Team creates an excellent, memorable experience through food, giveaways, and more at services, conferences, and special events.

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First Aid Team

Age: 18+, Background Check, Certifications

The First Aid Team uses their gifts and professional training to meet basic first-aid needs at weekend services, conferences, and special events.

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Greeter Team

Age: 14+ in High School

The Greeter Team creates a positive first impression by welcoming, greeting, and encouraging each guest as they enter and exit Church of the Highlands.

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Growth Track Host Team

Age: 14+ in High School

The Growth Track Host Team helps everyone attending the Growth Track find their place in the local church, discover their God-given purpose, and make a difference serving on the Dream Team.

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Information Team

Age: 14+ in High School

The Information Team helps guests identify their next steps by providing resources and information about campuses, weekend services, Small Groups, Growth Track, conferences, and special events.

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Parking Team

Age: 16+

The Parking Team gives guests a positive first and last impression as they arrive and exit by providing clear direction for a safe and efficient parking experience.

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Prayer Team

Age: 14+ in High School

The Prayer Team provides prayer covering for services, conferences, teams, and ministries.

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Resource Team

Age: 14+ in High School

The Resource Team serves behind-the-scenes to provide supplies and materials to create a welcoming environment and an excellent worship experience.

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Set-Up/Take-Down Team

Age: 14+ in High School, Portable Locations

The Set-Up/Take-Down Team helps transform spaces for Highlands services, providing distraction-free, excellent environments where guests can experience God.

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Usher Team

Age: 18+, Male

The Usher Team provides a positive worship experience by assisting guests with seating, facilitating tithes/offerings, and helping to secure a distraction-free worship environment.

Highlands Kids Teams

Highlands Kids is one team with five areas. Our team helps kids have a genuine relationship with God, build a biblical foundation for their lives, grow with friends and leaders, and love being at church.

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Check-In Team

Age: 18+, Background Check

The Kids Check-In Team creates a welcoming environment and assists families with checking in, dropping off, and picking up children in all Highlands Kids areas.

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Elementary Team

Age: 14+ in High School, Background Check

The Elementary Team invests in the lives of children who are in first through fifth grade by giving them the opportunity to discover and develop a passion for God through Bible teaching, worship, Small Groups, prayer, and games.

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Highlands Haven Team

Age: 14+ in High School, Background Check

The Highlands Haven Team serves children and teens with special needs, providing support so that each one can participate in our environments.

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JV Dream Team

Age: 11-14 (sixth through eighth grade)

The JV Dream Team is a leadership development opportunity for students in sixth through eighth grade. Middle school students can serve without a parent as they learn to serve and lead in Elementary and Preschool.

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Nursery/Preschool Team

Age: 14+ in High School, Background Check

The Nursery/Preschool Team serves children six weeks through Kindergarten and offers them the opportunity to hear the life-giving message of Jesus through Bible stories, worship, prayer, and hands-on activities.

Highlands Students Team

The Highlands Students Teams help middle school, high school, and college students feel welcome and known by creating environments where they connect with God, experience Him, and take their next steps.

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Motion Students Team

Age: 14+ in High School, Background Check

The Motion Students Team helps middle school and high school students get connected through Motion Night, Motion Midweek, Small Groups, retreats, conferences, and serving in the Students area on Sundays.

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College Ministry Team (ONE)

Age: 18+

The College Ministry Team helps college-aged students get connected through our weekly college services, Small Groups, outreach opportunities, retreats, and conferences.

Outreach Teams

The Outreach Teams demonstrate God’s love in practical ways by caring for the felt needs within our community, state, and nation.

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Correctional Ministry Team

Age: 18+ for Juvenile Facilities, 19+ for Adult Facilities, Background Check

The Correctional Ministry Team facilitates Small Groups and Sunday services in state prisons and other correctional facilities, and provides prayer support and written letters of encouragement.

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Disaster Response Team

Age: 14-17 years must be accompanied by parent, 18+, Background Check

The Disaster Response Team is a specialized team trained to serve communities in the aftermath of a disaster by ministering to the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of those affected.

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Outreach Team

Age: 14+ in High School, Background Check

The Outreach Team helps meet the practical and spiritual needs of our communities by leading and supporting campus-specific outreach initiatives.

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Trafficking Hope Team

Age: 16+, Background Check

The Trafficking Hope Team provides education and awareness about human trafficking in our local communities and supports survivor service providers through outreach opportunities.

Highlands Worship Teams

Highlands Worship is a collective team of pastors, musicians, worship leaders, and songwriters who serve every week at Church of the Highlands.

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Music Team

Age: 16+, Music Audition, Development Training Process, Background Check

The Music Team facilitates a powerful, on-stage worship experience through utilizing the skills of vocalists and instrumentalists.

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Production Team

Age: 16+, Development Training Process, Background Check

The Production Team facilitates a powerful, distraction-free worship experience through the use of lighting, video technology, and audio engineering.

Small Groups Team

We all need each other and that's why we have Small Groups. Whether you're new to groups, leading for the first time, or a seasoned leader, there's a place for you!

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Small Groups Team

Background Check (Groups with Unaccompanied Minors), Small Group Leader Training

The Small Groups Team leads weekly Small Groups for people to experience authentic community, find freedom, and grow in their relationship with Jesus.

Legacy Team

The Legacy Team is an outlet for those who are called and equipped to finance the Kingdom of God and to leave a legacy. The Legacy Team serves our church with the gift of giving.

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Legacy Team

Age: 18+

The Legacy Team is called and equipped to help accelerate the vision of Highlands by giving above and beyond the tithe, to further the work of God and to leave a legacy through the gift of giving.

Connect with Us

If you have any questions or want more information about the Dream Team, please feel free to reach out. We'd would love to hear from you.

Small Groups are how we care for each other.

Spring Semester

February 2 - May 3

At its core, a Small Group is less about what you do and more about who you do it with. We all need each other and that's why we have Small Groups. Whether you're new to groups, leading for the first time, or a seasoned leader, there's a place for you!

Learn More About Groups

We believe God wants every person to experience abundant life here on earth, and He designed us to find freedom and healing in relationship with others. Discover how lives are changed in Small Groups and how you can get involved.

Leading a Group

Life is better in a group.

You don't need to have it all together to lead a Small Group—you just have to be willing to let God use you. If you're a first-time leader, join us for Small Group training. We believe God uses Small Groups to change people's lives, and as a leader, you get to be a part of that.

Curriculum & Ideas:
Discovering Your Bible

The heart of God is for us to be in relationship with Him. One way we can draw closer to God is through His Word - the Bible. As we discover how to read, study, and trust the Bible, we will develop a deeper understanding of who God is and how His Word is directly tied to each of us through His Son, Jesus.